
  • WatashiWa
    Natalie Wee
    Natalie Taichou/Natatata:)
    Cedar Girl's Secondary

    Loves and Hates

    <3 YOKU :D
    Sugar*Stars online manga <333

    Hates >:/
    Teh emo fag
    People who abuse children or animals.
    Emo fags who want to teach people how to dance when they can't even jog to save their lives.

    *HUGS* TOTAL! give full_anime_otaku more *HUGS*
    Get hugs of your own
    Give me a HUG


    *Alynna [TablePartner]
    *Debbie [Friend]
    *Esther [AdoptedOnee-Sama]
    *Gene [SweetByaNut]
    *Jiaying [TheRockStonePebble]
    *Mel [UlquiorraLover]
    *Pinky [ThePiffle]
    *MAI IPW GROUP ^-^

    +Speak the words on your lips+


    September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 August 2007 September 2007


    Brushes from Insomiac Brushes
    Picture from theOtaku
    Layout by Netami

  • Monday, January 29, 2007 - :

    Mel-san told me to blog, which i shall, because she said if i didn't she'd kill my Ichirukia blogskin. :O
    Hmm. Where shall i start....?
    If you notice the change of blogskin, which you have, it's cause i moved on through my Inuyahsa phase to Chrno Crusade to Bleach now. And i was getting sick of green, anyway:)))
    Last sunday, yesterday was the ultimate showdown: Black belt grading day! Luckily i got past it without losing my head.
    Oh.Life updates: Now Alynna, Mandy and Trisha take every opportunity the get to shout,RANDALL! Like i told you a million times already....

    And i named my Ichigo highlighter after, well, Ichigo. And my lemon highlighter shall thusly be Rukia. My orange one, Rosette, and the green one that stinks, Father Remington:)) Chrno shall be my shiny pen. He does not stink, Gene!! And i'm smelling Ichigo again. Oh, that sounds like the person. I meant the highlighter, peeps!

    I also realised,if you saya sentence contianing the word 'Byakuya' to Gene, she'll instantly go into a comatose state where his name is the only thing she hears.

    Now! On to my favourite pastime that every on has ignored so far! :/
    Spellbinder: Necromancer Contingency. Chapter 4 Up: Max learnts about Tempest Conflict, which is basically Mage War. Unfortunately, while Hazel is in the middle of Tempest Conflict, he barges in, so she has to take the forfeit, which happens to be death. So he thinks about what to do,and he decides to Tournamise, which in simple english, he challenges the evil guy in a series of challenges, tournament style! :D Oh, my character is hot, even if i say so myself :))

    Shall go now. Your post, Mel-san. Touch the blogskin, i'll kill you.

    Close your eyes, and let the future be.

    full_anime_otaku blogged at Monday, January 29, 2007

    Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - Trails and tribulations~My ipw group:) :


    Hello my peeps! long time no blog :D

    i'm here to say not much went on, except i've got a new addiction to Titekubo. It wasn't that bad at all! see above picture-i approve of an IchiRukia pairing :3

    In Cldds, i've decided i will die of shame due to the akward and hilariously over-drama parts. Luckily, i'm backstage, so it's not that bad:/

    And i've become the leader of my ipw group. At first i didn't want to, but to tell you the truth, i've always wanted to be a leader since i was in Pri3. I always thought no one would listen to me, but who knew...:) Anyway, our ipw group consists of Alynna, Mel, Gene, Grace, Trisha and yours truly^^ I'll try not to boss everyone
    around. I gottta focus on what the group wants, and do everything for their best interest. That's how to do things in life. Okay, enough on philosophical sayings, focus on the subject. Today our fist lesson since we all decided was not bad at all!

    We've called ourselves Hana, meaning flower in Jap. Trisha designed a totally cool
    flower for us! And if we have luck, we can be tour guides for visitors to the Singapore Botanic Gardens! Isn't that cool? I'm excited, and to think i used to be btd in ipw last year! So cross your fingers, huh? I hope our group can succeed and become great.

    Mel had taken to calling me Natalie Taichou, which means Captain. it sounds kinda nice, and i sort of like it. It has a nice ring to it, don't you think? or maybe i'm just being wierd.:))

    well peeps, it's been a looong day. Wish me luck for the future, my dears!
    Close your eyes, and let the future be.

    full_anime_otaku blogged at Wednesday, January 24, 2007

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